Originally Posted by Suki
And strangely enough, American citizens seem to back up every move made by their army, like they truly believe they're doing a great job by being sent away from their homes to propagate peace and democracy.
While there are the overly patriotic types out there who feel like you say, most families that have loved ones in the military support THEM, the soldiers out there in a foreign land dying for a cause they may not believe in. Since the military these days is a voluntary service, and people join up for a variety of reasons, it is ultimately they who give up their lives for the politics of the nation. Everywhere you see signs stating "WE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS" because they are the ones on the front lines. If you poll people out there, quite a few would say the conflicts we Americans get involved with are not our concern. And most people don't support the actions of the military command, but they do support the poor folks out there getting shot at.
Unfortunately, many people join the military forces because it is a way to escape poverty and bad economic times.
While there are many points I do agree with you, Suki, this is one that I must point out because people outside the United States may not be able to differentiate this. I'm not saying you are one of them, I'm just sayin....