Originally Posted by shoutaro
So, what should I take in college then? And it needs to be four years? I can't do any 2 year courses?
1) If you want to teach, do a teaching degree. As someone else said, it's obvious. 4 years.
2) Try and pick up some japanese, or at least a second language. Improve your own English.
3) Try and find a college with an exchange program to Japan and then get yourself on it. You will have a chance to experience the country without the full investment of moving there to work long-term. Some people find they actually really don't like living there.
4) Get experience. ANY experience will help. If you can afford the time to, volunteer. Try and do something your degree won't give you exposure to. Like if you're focussing on teaching high-school kids with your degree, do your other work with toddlers. Or the elderly. Work with the disabled. It'll broaden your bases. Check out local town/city halls, scouting or girl-guide groups, community centres. They're usually very grateful for help and you can use them as references.
5) Don't give up. Japan may or may not happen for a while, but if you can work your way through the next few hard years for that degree, there are other countries and other schools that will most definitely take what you can offer. For now just focus on finding some stability and setting a few small targets for yourself; getting back into high-school for a start. The rest will follow.