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(#29 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
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12-28-2010, 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery View Post
My father now has partial paralysis in his neck and is now stuck working an office job with disability at age 43 as a result of an engagement while serving in the current conflict in Iraq. You honestly think we all support the war? While I harbor no ill will towards anyone in the Middle East, it's not like the majority of us actually support the war itself. We're supporting our families who are told they have to go. You really are a fool.

Its a bit like the Brits who were drawn into the IRAQ conflict after 9/11.
There were huge protest marches here against us getting involved but Blair was hanging onto Bush's coat tails.

It sems to me that ever since 9/11 that is when the war on terrorists began.

I still do not Know why We are even in Afghanistan?

Soldiers are trained to fight-- its never the Presidents or Prime Ministers that fight-- they just like to send Our men as fodder.

during ww2 conscientious objectors were either imprisoned or sent to work in the MINES etc.
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