Originally Posted by Suki
No. I agree fully that torture is foul and I'm not condoning the use of it. I am simply against the comparison to the nazi regimes. Waterboarding and sleep deprivation is not yet in the same league as experimental vivisection on children to prove their genetic inferiority nor the whole-sale abduction of families and their subsequent execution.
Originally Posted by Suki
No! Let the US fix it! Let them invade the country with their troops, that'll surely make everything better ¬¬
Military intervention does not lead to conflict resolution. All the opposite.
I'm just pointing out your ab-dabs over America getting involved in foreign conflicts are rather hypocritical when you then start advocating precisely intervening in other countries conflicts. Including countries that currently aren't AT conflict. Nigeria and Thailand don't need American military intervention, but they need some western group of democrats marching in and telling them what to do for their own good just as little.
aannnd, I see this thread has degenerated swiftly into a slanging match of who 'knows' best and poor stereotypes. I'm out.