Originally Posted by MMM
I am not going to defend America's actions in Iraq, but that isn't what this thread is about. It is about WWII.
And no, it isn't that simple. You make it sound like America is of one mind, and they just walk into any situation like Rambo and blow everything up and ask questions later. That is simplistic and simply wrong.
If our ally is being attacked then it is not only our duty but a requirement to help them. If that help is in the form of military defense and is what is needed, then that is what happens. You pepper your language with words like "brutally" and it just clouds the point.
Allies help allies. That is all the justification that is needed.
So you are basically saying that the end justifies the means. The end being helping allies, the means being providing such help through military actions, no matter what. See? That's where we differ on our viewpoint. Such harsh statement on your part just sealed this discussion.