12-29-2010, 02:41 AM
I believe all MMM is trying to say is that to pretend conflicts occur in a vaccuum is erroneous.
International politics is a complicated matter. While I'm no fan of the USA myself.. you're going about your criticism all wrong Suki.
The USA isn't at fault for interfering in the matters of others.
Did you know for example that elements of Pakistani's intelligence agency is aiding the Taleban. That the Taleban have been found using Chinese weapons and even Swiss ammunition (though I believe there was a vote in Switzerland regarding the ethics of their weapons proliferation that might have addressed that recently).
It's all a complicated web of relationships held together by power and profit.
What the US is guilty of is pretending that they operate from a moral high ground where things like "freedom" and "liberty" are paramount.
But the reality is that they are simply like every other nation that exists and has ever existed.