Originally Posted by Maxful
Hi, can anyone explain to me the difference between 未来 and 将来?
未来=future, just "future" in general
将来= one's future, someone's future, some human-being's future
・・・・未来 is correct.
・・・・・・・将来 is correct.
あなたは(未来・将来)、どんな人になりたいですか? 大統領になりたいです。
・・・・将来 is correct.
・・・・・・未来 is correct.
タイムマシンに乗って、10年後の(未来・将来)の自 分を見てみたい。
・・・将来 is correct.
Hope this helps.
edit) This is what I think, as a native-Japanese speaker.
But my Japanese dictionary defines something different.....
It says that "将来 is nearer future than 未来, in general."
To be honest with you, I disagree the dictionary's definition. I strongly believe that mine is better.
But I lost my confidence, after looking at my dictionary...