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(#16 (permalink))
GinaS (Offline)
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12-29-2010, 09:37 AM

Yes, but the hilarious babbling they sometimes spit out are what keeps me going. When Google once told me a sentence said "Questions, or ...... WTF dead in rented room ...... WTF why Asians with long hair..." I about fell off my chair laughing. Although it did use the acronym I wondered where it had learned such language!

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
AをBにする = to make A into B = to fabricate by changing A to B
Literally, take A and pretend it's B.
Well. That casts an entirely different light on things. Thank you for that insight. I'm not sure if you read my edit or not - the time stamp seems to indicate you replied before I added my PS, but I didn't see your reply there when I posted.

Here's what I think the additional sentence says:

"As Mr. Mustafa pointed out, when he said Hermann Feuer's name and the mysterious numbers 42 and 46, I had already known them."

But don't know why there is a comma between 46 and 42, with no conjunction. Is he saying instead that he recognized Feuer's name and 46, but 42 was still a mystery to him? I couldn't locate enough verbs to sort it out that way, but then there's that comma that sets the 42 apart from the two things preceding it.

At any rate, unless you see a reason that it can't be, I'm really leaning toward the idea that the numbers refer to individuals, and Chapek was seriously considering replacing 42 with 46 because he couldn't find another man of suitable talents. I think it won't be revealed what the numbers really mean until the end of this new chapter.

Last edited by GinaS : 12-29-2010 at 09:40 AM.
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