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(#35 (permalink))
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Umihito (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Location: Wales, UK
12-29-2010, 07:38 PM

Originally Posted by Kayci View Post
Well, I was more into anime in Junior High.
I liked different kinds, and it was something that kept me amused and happy since I was not popular enough with the kids.

The more I made friends, however, the more I grew out of it.
I watch it once in awhile...but eh.
People who live it and go, "OMG SASUKE IS MY HUBBY" or "I'm a vampire from this series" or actually try to make it their life...can either scare me or make my eyes automatically go up to the ceiling.
Especially if they're college aged.
And lemme tell you...I saw plenty of that at my old city college
Yeah tell me about it. I don't know anyone in my area who's like that, but I know that there are countless numbers on the internet.
They're the type of people that give anime a bad name and make stereotypes, as well as not really helping the international image of Japan.
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