Originally Posted by TalnSG
Just for curiosity sake, how would she say they are more equivalent than equal?
When it comes to equality in the workplace there are many areas that can be changing at different paces. Opportunities may be equal, while respect is not at all, and salaries could be coming closer to parity though still lacking. "Equality" is just to broad a term for any reasonable analysis in my mind. There is also the disparity between business policies and actual practices. Very few companies truly reflect their official corporate image when you get down to the rank and file employees.
Sorry for the late reply, for some reason I didn't notice it until the spam post above brought this thread back to the top >< I guess there's something good about spam after all!
I think what you said is entirely true, but what it doesn't consider is that the women themselves don't see themselves as equals.
This is what I meant by it, my girlfriend honestly doesn't see herself or other women as an equal to men, hence why Suki would kill her lol
This is at the root of the problem for sexism in Japan.