Originally Posted by RealJames
Sorry for the late reply, for some reason I didn't notice it until the spam post above brought this thread back to the top >< I guess there's something good about spam after all!
I think what you said is entirely true, but what it doesn't consider is that the women themselves don't see themselves as equals.
This is what I meant by it, my girlfriend honestly doesn't see herself or other women as an equal to men, hence why Suki would kill her lol
This is at the root of the problem for sexism in Japan.
|HA HA James why? because they are Superior to MEN. LOL.
Just joking--we are different anyway aren't we.
I think that the wars created opportunities for women who often took over the tasks previously done by men.
Certainly here in UK many women did. Working in the munitions factories, working in the fields- in the FORCES etc etc.
Women are not usually as physically strong as men-- but if the right opportunities are created-- they can do many things.
Seeing videos of how hard the women worked in Japan on the fields-- really hard physical labour------------ THe poverty immediately following the war, similar to many countries--My japanese friend worked in the rice fields from a very early age
Certainly if given good opportunities women are extremely capable in many lines of work-- including the professionals.
I do believe that we think differently from Men in many ways.
My husband has such a logical mind and lateral way of thinking. Not saying that many women do not also have that kind of mind of course-- but I am but a simple uneducated woman HA HA.
I have not read the books re-- men are from Mars and women from Venus-- but I enjoy being a female-- apart from the "CURSE" that we females have to deal with which often can effect our emotions.
I do believe that it is the encouragement and determinedness to AIM and Achieve an ambition that can make an enormous difference-- and if the world out there is prepared to give women similar opportunities as men in often-- previously restricted fields of work-- career-- that they really are very capable of MUCH.
What have great women in Japan achieved if given that chance?