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Suki (Offline)
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12-30-2010, 11:59 AM

Originally Posted by RealJames View Post
Kenya is ... ok Nairobi is a nightmare, a scary freaky, get out of that place now kind of nightmare, but the rest of Kenya is so beautiful and the people are more than great.
Scary fo' sho'! The traffic in Nairobi is truly dreadful. I remember being in the cab and actually expecting to get hit by another car. Like I wouldn't have been the least bit shocked if it'd happened cause the whole time I was waiting for it to happen. I wasn't hoping not to have a car collide with us cause that seemed like too much to hope for seeing the craziness everywhere on the streets, I was hoping I'd live to tell about it xD

Masai Mara and Samburu was what I enjoyed the most about the whole trip.

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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