Originally Posted by dogsbody70
come on let us know what You think Ghap.
I don't expect anyone to agree with me. Its just random thoughts so lets hear what YOu think.
Well since I was asked, ill try to explain.
Disagree/laugh/ignore me at your pleasure.
1 ) I think that the wars created opportunities for women who often took over the tasks previously done by men.
Certainly here in UK many women did. Working in the munitions factories, working in the fields- in the FORCES etc etc.
I agree WW1 helped set up the suffragette movement and by WW2 proved the fact.
2 ) Women are not usually as physically strong as men-- but if the right opportunities are created-- they can do many things.
Without a doubt men are bigger and stronger.
but I disagree with the second statement
anyway I digress so here is my main point.
Basicaly im of the opinion that beside 1 or 2 (strength or size) points im of the opinion that girls are just as good or better than us boys.
thats why i disagreed....it seemed you thought less of your gender than i do.