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(#24 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
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12-30-2010, 04:38 PM

Originally Posted by Ghap View Post
Well since I was asked, ill try to explain.

Disagree/laugh/ignore me at your pleasure.

1 ) I think that the wars created opportunities for women who often took over the tasks previously done by men.

Certainly here in UK many women did. Working in the munitions factories, working in the fields- in the FORCES etc etc.

I agree WW1 helped set up the suffragette movement and by WW2 proved the fact.

2 ) Women are not usually as physically strong as men-- but if the right opportunities are created-- they can do many things.

Without a doubt men are bigger and stronger.

but I disagree with the second statement

anyway I digress so here is my main point.

Basically im of the opinion that beside 1 or 2 (strength or size) points im of the opinion that girls are just as good or better than us boys.

thats why i seemed you thought less of your gender than i do.
I just think men and women are naturally different. some are better at some things than the other.

I like women I like Men. But we are physicially and I feel also we think differently.

Also for a start its the woman wno carried and gives birth to a baby.
She needs to be strong in character and I believe that given the right chances in life they are capable of many things.

I don't want to be a builder. but we have female engineers.

Women are really good at multi tasking and bringing up a family in itself is a challenge.

If I had had the opportunity when young I would have loved to study child Psychology.

I think you misunderstand me anyway.

Anyone with the drive and ambition and chances to enter fields where normally Men were considered the only ones capable.

We don't all get the chance-- it depends on how we are brought up and what encouragement there is.

Not so long ago women who married had to leave their jobs-- especially in the civil service. reason of course because it was assumed that baby's would come along and the woman need to take too much time off.

I doubt if there is equal pay for equal work with women doing identical work. even Now here in UK.

women have always been downtrodden in history and had to KNOW HER PLACE-- thank goodness-- times have changed but many religions still have that attitude towards women. Those brave suffragettes had to really fight for the right of women to vote.

why do the men often want to keep women DOWN? or treat them as second class citizens. cou;d it be fear that a woman can do the job as well or even better than the men

Because women are bright and capable of so much.

PS why do you disagree with the second statement?

Last edited by dogsbody70 : 12-30-2010 at 04:44 PM.
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