Originally Posted by MissMisa
I built my own garden wall (lol), being a builder wouldn't bother me but I'm lazy and don't like manual labour, and I get good grades so I wouldn't want to waste that.
I'm not opressed because I don't want to be a builder - if I was capable of doing the job and denied it on the grounds I'm female, that's oppression.
Nothing to do with being a women, just I can get a better paid and a job that I like more than that.
I could be a builder if I really wanted to, but I don't. Men are generally phsyically stronger, but if a women wanted to be a builder there is no reason she cannot excersise and gain enough strength to do the job.
I'm the only girl on my University course and I'm doing JUST FINE. Just because I'm the only one doesn't mean I'm any less capable than a guy. There are plenty of females at my Dad's ENGINEERING company.
I honestly don't know why you have your doubts. We are different but if we apply ourselves we can be just as good at certain things.
Also, if you base your life on what men might think of you then I pity you dearly. If I wanted to be some big muscly women then I would just go ahead and do that, I wouldn't consider what a man might think of it.
Even though you aren't a man, you can still be forced to do unpopular jobs. Heavy lifting =/= unpopular. I used to clean toilets! You aren't safe just because little old you doesn't want to carry some bricks, lol.
h a ha Misa I'm way too old to care what anyone thinks of me.
Thing is: it seems that in Japan women do not have equal rights.
LOL I used to build kennels Ha ha but building a large building? A lot also depends on fitness.
I would have no wish to compete with men. I'm retired. when I was young, women were not allowed to get a mortgage.
times are changing aren't they and with modern technology many mechanical thingsmake life easier.
Not having to plough the fields with a horse and plough.
In the old days farming was totally different.
glad to hear your dad employs women in his engineering company. is it physical work that they do?
what are you aiming to do?