Originally Posted by RealJames
in terms of morality, it doesn't matter if the oppressed are aware of the oppression or not, either way it's immoral.
it's a kind of social type-casting, which is a form of prejudice and discrimination.
I don't think I've ever heard any arguments or philosophies which back up discrimination as passable let alone good.
I get that the women aren't complaining about it from a sexism standpoint, which is good I guess. But I've never met a Japanese woman who was exposed to a western relationship and didn't feel instantly envious of the shared cooking/cleaning/etc, even if it's still mostly the woman.
Really?!? You need to meet more Japanese women!
Japan is not Sudan or Chad where women are stoned on the street for looking at another man.
What is the oppression you talk of? Many of the strongest women I have met in the world are Japanese. They may not be loud and thump their chests, but trust me, the wives and mothers are the people running the show. Many men may be alpha males in the workplace, but at home they get the same treatment as their teenage sons, getting an allowance and hot meal... and they like it like that.
I have met MANY Japanese women who are perfectly happy with how things are done in Japan. They aren't looking for a Western man to whisk them away to Europe or Australia... they like Japan, Japanese food, Japanese pop culture, and Japanese men, who work hard to allow them to do the things and live the life they want to live.
I know many women that tense up like Rain Man when a man enters the kitchen. "Don't touch anything!" They say a man's home is his castle, but in Japan, a kitchen is mom's castle, and don't try and invade it. I have tried helping Japanese women cook, or wash the dishes and end up in the way.
Sure, some women in Japan like the idea of Western values (the opposite is true for many Western men) but you can see Japanese women can really do it their own way, so when I hear talk of how Japanese women are oppressed, it makes me cringe. Gotta pull the curtain back a little further. Don't confuse a demure outer shell as oppression. There is a tigress in there.