Originally Posted by MissMisa
Honestly I don't know if women in Japan are oppressed.
If all you've ever known is 'women stay at home, men work' then generally you are just going to sit back and passively accept your fate.
I can't decide wether this is bad or not. I think a difference is in Japan, that motherhood and being a housewife is seen as something to aspire to, something great, something to work towards and something ultimately rewarding. Like a huge part of yourself is being a good mother.
Here I feel you have that attitude if you are a mother yourself, but nobody really aspires to be a mother. I've never heard anyone say their aspiration is to be a mother. And for some reason if I did hear it, it would make me cringe even though it's silly of me to think that way. Because here we are always told 'you can be anything, follow your dreams' in a way, regardless of gender. So for some reason when people pick, they never pick housewife.
The main point is that the women are doing what they actually want to do, and not what society has influenced them to do. If they are all happy being mothers and it works, I don't really see the problem too much, but because I've been brought up in a nation where nothing like that is fixed, I would ultimately be unhappy if I was expected to be a mother at some point.
Nyororin says, there are opportunities in which women can stay in work should they wish to, it's just that none of them do wish to. Which I can't see and issue with as long as that is the case.
Its strange when you say nobody aspires to be a Mother. My goodness why is it that so many women who cannot actually HAve children-- go to such efforts by alternative means such as IVF surrogacy etc.
Being a Mother should be the most natural thing in the world. Isn't that what the Creation was all about.
I grew up without a mother or a father-- or family at all--and believe me not having that love or security was not easy.
Parenthood is one of the most important and precious parts of life-- and to belittle it in any way-- is to belittle reasons for even BEING.
Being a good parent can reap many rewards-- being a bad parent-- the reverse.
We have discussed this on another thread I believe-- but every child deserves the love and encouragement and security of good parenting.
One only has to watch "SUPER NANNY" to observe how useless and rebellious some children can be when not taught discipline and how to behave in society. simply being totally selfish if they do not experience correct loving guidance.
Unfortunately too many children are born totally unplanned and often unwanted. for many it is too easy to conceive but with modern contraceptives if used--- less unwanted pregnancies would occur.
When parents are never at home-- working most of the time-- which is mostly the case-- it is left to others to bring up the child.
I wanted to be a mother-- to have my own family-- so I made sure I could be at home with my children from birth until they were old enough to be at school. BUT I worked from home-- so was always around if they needed me.
Our home was always open to our childrens friends.