04-08-2007, 02:45 AM
Retia has got a hard on in that pic. o_o RUKI'S FOR CARRY!! LEAVE HIM ALONE YOU C*CKS*KING BASTARD!!!
What? Yelling, moi? No nono... it was... But, Uru, honey boney... Why? No. Of course! -puts Ruru in lap- -looks into his mouth.. Eyes! I totally meant his eyes- Ruki's gold pants don't turn me on. Did you hear that carry? THEY DON'T!!! *cough*
And I'm sorry but I have to sleep xD Good night! -drags Ruru to bed- Have nice dreams about... whatever. I mean, I left you alone woth four guys, eh. ~
Last edited by Jo_Kittie : 07-09-2007 at 04:48 PM.