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12-31-2010, 01:30 PM

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
none of us have to agree at all but its an interesting discussion isn't it.

to each their own as they say.

Although being a mother and a house wife is not automatic is it?

These days house work is so easy compared to the past. you have washing machines, hoovers, easy access shopping etc.

House work Used to be FULL TIME job. what woman actually enjoyed it?

Scrubbing polishing cooking washing by hand etc. No it took alot of time.

Now it is so easy-- can get easy meals without needing to cook if you don't want to.

Its a different age now altogether.
Housework is work regardless if it's not as "hard" as it was years ago or not. Sure, you have a washer/dryer, but you still have to iron, fold, and put the clothes away when they're done. If you're living in Japan, more than likely, you won't even have a dryer and have to hang out the laundry.

You still have to clean the home (manual stuff, like mopping/scrubbing/vaccuming/sweeping/dusting, etc) and you still have to cook and clean up when done, etc.

I consider being a homemaker a full-time job, regardless if there are things you can do to make it easier.

I personally hate housework. If I was a housewife, that aspect of it would make me miserable. If I was a housewife, I'd want to be rich enough to pay someone to do it for me. lol
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