12-31-2010, 06:25 PM
I agree with all three of you. I wonder if they've even been to the country as a tourist just to see what they might be getting into. I'm starting to learn the language bit by bit just so I can defend myself a little and be somewhat more learned when I go back there as a tourist again.
I understand people may have hopes, but they have to rooted in some realism or they are in danger of becoming wild dreams. I have no aspirations of ever living there unless I win the lottery and even then, I don't know what day to day living there would be like. But, at least I've set foot in Japanese soil. I even "lived" there for 2 years when I served in the USAF in Aomori-ken. And still I don't know what it really entails.
I've only been here less than 6 months and have seen way too many threads started by people, whose age I really don't know, who think going there to work is the bees knees and that Japan is the promised land. I do think that giving them a harsh reality wake up call is not unnecessary. I applaud those who have made a living there and are willing to tell those who wish to what it really is like.