Originally Posted by ElfenLied
As a matter of fact, I did try to translate it myself. I first tried an online translator but I should have known from the start that that wouldn't be much help as the sentences hardly made any sense after translation. I tried actually translating some of it myself but to no avail, if you guys would like to assist me in translating it myself that would be much appreciated as well. 
Give us what you've got so far and we can help make corrections. Why don't you take what you got from Babelfish, try to make it sound like natural English, and then we can take a look at it.
But be advised that the advanced speakers here tend to prefer to help people studying the language and trying to improve their Japanese over someone who just wants a free translation.
But you might get lucky; there is someone here who literally does nothing but what I've suggested you do (online translator + make it sound more native), and the person is getting help from a native speaker on multiple, very long passages of difficult Japanese.