Originally Posted by MissMisa
I'm a feminist. Feminists did not fight so that women could work. They fought so that women had the freedom to choose whether they wanted to or not..
I agree with this. It's not about having or necessarily wanting to work it's about having no predjudice or discrimination if a women chooses to work. And that the choices of work available are not limited to some old fashioned view of gender specific roles. Where everyone has equal opportunity regardless of their sex based purely on their merits. It's also about having work environments and government support for working families that allows a balance between work and home life and doesn't assign gender specific roles in the home just like not in the workplace.
I do not think Japan is anywhere near this ideal, not even close...
Whether or not it's something that a majority of Japanese women would even want is a whole other question. Still the West wasn't much different to Japan in assigning gender specific roles in the home and in the workplace all that long ago. It takes government to be very proactive in changing attitudes for much change to occur. Of course there has to be votes in it for them and I don't see a huge groundswell of women in Japan demanding change currently so I don't see anything changing all that much anytime soon.