Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
So did you pirate Counterstrike and the only available one was Japanese? At a loss why someone would pay money for a game they can't read. Especially when it's one that requires split-second decisions like CS.
quick and dirty translation, and I'm too lazy to look anything up that I don't know
End of round
[column 1]
Stats from current round
0 win 0 loss
0 kill 0 death
zombie kill count: 0/spawn (?) count [literally: # of times existing]: 0
current level: [i don't know military terms, but it's a type of military rank--maybe brigadier or something?]
???: 0
Remaining until level up: 99%
next rank: [same as above] N
Continue game?
continue end
column 2
Points change
And, I stand corrected. Apparently people WILL translate for a guy who spams. :/