Originally Posted by Snailteaser
no offense here, but are you actually japanese?
Check out just a few threads on here, and you will realize that majority of the members are NOT Japanese. I reckon that you won't find many Japanese people on this forum due to the mere fact that people are rarely fascinated by what they're used to. As a Dane, I can't seem to figure out why they'd open a University in China to study H.C. Andersen's fairy tales in Danish.
Theory: As a Japanese born and raised girl, I'd probably be a bit weirded out to know that people actually find themselves 'fascinated' by my country, my mere Japanese-ness and general stereotypical 'Japanese' things like anime, manga and kanji. AND I'd be even more scared if I were to find out that guys actually ask random girls.. on a forum called JapanForum.. about how to pick up Japanese girls in ways most efficient.
No offense here, of course