Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
Well then I suppose I'm saying that the storm troopers were legitimate targets because they were military.
I am not saying they weren't military, I am saying the storm troopers didn't have a choice not to be military, therefore they are more innocent, than, say leaders like Palpatine and Tarkin.
Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
Also.. I think you are guilty of spinning the star wars movies just a little bit. The clones of Jango Fett were not mindless drones.. like say the Borg. Sure they might be "innocent" if you consider their lack of choice in the matter but remember.. they committed terrible acts and were self conscious.
Sure storm troopers committed terrible acts, but not all of them. And did you ever see a storm trooper defect? Did you ever see one decline orders? This was the only existence they were aware of and conscious of? Do you think they got both sides of the story on Alderaan and the Rebel Alliance?
Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
Furthermore.. if they were like the Borg and mindless drones then you could attempt to justify their deaths that way.
I wouldn't say that. I would say that, like much of the world at the time of WWII, they were fed propaganda and worked off of that.
Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
I'll also add that it's debatable whether all the stormtroopers were clones. The protagonist in the game Dark Forces was once a storm trooper and he was recruited into the Imperial Academy. This series is considered canon.
And you accuse me of spinning? Let's go by the canon that was established in Episodes 1, 2, and 3, that may change canon from non-movie titles.