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termogard (Offline)
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Post invasions - 01-02-2011, 11:00 AM

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
America woke up when the twin towers were attacked. that has led to invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. Bush was too eager to kill the terrorists. Brought UK into it against advice from the UN. we were told a pack of lies re WMD's. Many Brits did Not wish to go to war in Iraq or Afghanistan.
America woke up, yes. An average Joe suddenly realized that american cities also can be attacked by enemy.
As for Bush Jr.... that is just not that simple, as 3M used to say.
GWB started a war under false pretexts and turned Iraq into bloody mess.

Imagine, that you are a SANE leader of some country with a decent military capabilities. Your intelligence informs you about a location of a terrorist's camp. You gives an order and your special forces make an operation with a surgeon's accuracy. Terrorists are wiped out without harm for civilians. No need to invade a whole country (except a case when you wish to seize and steal their oil, of course).
Many Brits did Not wish to go to war in Iraq or Afghanistan, you said.
But Antony Bliar played a role of lap dog very well.
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