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(#91 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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01-02-2011, 01:29 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Yes, I agree with this. Since when has raising your own child been defined as "smothering"? This worries me.

I have nothing against people and couples that put their work and social lives as a priority. I just have an issue when they decide to be parents, but those priorities don't change. When you decide to become a parent, being a parent MUST be the priority.

If you job is more important than your child, then don't have children.

If your child is more important than your job, then quit your job.
"smothering" I think is being too over indulgent and possessive.

today on radio three they have Mozart music-- and they were talking about parents being too pushy. Leopold Mozart encouraged the young Mozart-- taking him around to show him off at various influential venues.

Mozart Was a genius-- but one has to ask if there had not been the encouragement and PUSHING by his father-- would his genius have had an outlet.
I believe that everyone has a talent-- but not everyone discovers their talent unless they have been exposed to it and encouraged to do so,

some parents are extremely Pushy-- but too often it is so they can show off their child prodigy to others.

some parents can be too protective also-- which is a way of smothering the child.
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