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01-02-2011, 01:35 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
It is fine if you disagree, I am just asking you to explain why.

12 months of leave... that is great. Much longer than the US, I believe. Can a 12 month old take care of himself?

You still didn't answer my question, if both parents don't want to give up their careers to raise a family, what is the point of having children at all?
As my mother said regarding my birth, "I was a nice surprise". Aren't most births "surprises"?

I don't see anything wrong with two people working, as long as they're still caring for the child, spending time with the child, loving the child, etc.

There's always nursery schools, daycare, maybe other family to help out (in my case, it was my grandmother, like when I was older and I was in school and came home, my dad would be on his way to work and I'd have about an hour before my mother got home, so I was with my grandmother), etc.

Most people, seemingly, can't live on a one-person income. They have to work to make ends meet.
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