Originally Posted by MissMisa
Love is a different thing~
I don't get why you insist on saying you have to have one or the other. This is 2011, you can have both with no detriment to the child whatsoever. It's not even an ideal in my view, if the child is happy then I don't see the problem.
I would like to ask you this question in ten years time-- except its doubtful I 'll still be around.
How you can be so complacent and certain when you don't have the experience.
But then-- I thought I knew everything when I was your age. Now I realise how little I still know-- even if Lived for a thousand years I would still be learning.
How on earth can you state there is no detriment to a child. How do you know that? do you know all the children in the world?
Have you lived their lives?
anyway no doubt one day you will remember this discussion.
Will you have the same view I wonder?
By the way when you keep referring to "THE KID" as if its just a goat or something shows that you have no idea at all.
a child is not JUST THE KID. Its a human being brought into this world.
If ever you do have children-- will you still refer to it as "THE KID"?
None of us choose where when or to whom we will be born-- unless of course You know differently.