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(#108 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
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01-02-2011, 09:34 PM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
I'm young so I know nothing~ Righttt.

There is someone else who DOES have children and shares my opinion. So is he/she wrong too?

You can ask me in ten years time, and I'll think the same. I have the best experience you can get - I AM a child that has been brought up with working parents, I had an amazing childhood and I'm doing extremely well for myself. It hasn't been a detriment to me, or my brothers, one who is acing his GCSEs and the other is at University studying Neuroscience.

So I think I have THE best experience on this. I've been brought up in this way, so I can talk about it and have an opinion on it should I wish to do so.

Also, you don't know every child in the world either, and you haven't even been brought up like this yourself, so your opinion is just as valid is mine is.

Having a stay-at-home Mum is good, but having working parents is just as good - because each have plus points and negative points that balance each other out.

(As for 'the kid', here parents refer to their children like that. 'Oh have you taken the kids to school yet?' That's not offensive at all where I come from.)
I did not feel capable of having a chiild and caring for it when I was your age Misa. I would have been a bad parent I know.

I did not have a clue. I am glad for you that you had such a great childhood-- we are not saying mothers shouldn't work at all. Most would have to-- to survive.

mums need a llife also. Much depends who is the extra curricular stand in.

GoNative has described an excellent place for his child-- and thats great.

anyway we are pedalling backwards all the time here-- so I wish you a good future and maybe once you have been to the university of life your views MAY or MAY not change.

You are entitled to your views but I hate the attitude that a child is just THE KID as though it is of no importance whatsoever.

There are too many neglected children out there and thats why society is so bad these days with drinking and knifing etc.

glad to hear your brother is doing well also.

Last edited by dogsbody70 : 01-02-2011 at 09:36 PM.
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