Originally Posted by FireRabbit
@Umihito: good luck with the exams in June, hope you smash'em silly!!!
I like your idea with the robot dogsbody70, but my room is so messy that even 2 robots wouldn't be enough!
Thus, hope number one for this year will be: I need to get myself a girl that is really good at cleaning
Jokes by side, this will be my umteenth attempth to get the things done that i have been trying to do for the past few years. Every year they are the same and every year I never tend to get anywhere. So i am going to try something else this year- I am not going to have any hopes, dreams or ambitions. HA !
Okk seriously now: Here is what i need to do this year:
1) get a decent jawwwwb
2) gym gym gym
3) become a comedian - well really be able to make people smile and make them lol their bits off!
4) get real good at nihongo and overtake dogsbody70 (atm I am shyte, so no worries dawg)
5) increase my stress levels
I know .. the last one is a weird one... but i really am toooo laid back , in fact i will do anything in order not to do something? lol - i am so lazy -_-
lastly: World Peace through MY awesomeness and John's Guitar Playing
You know If you can make us laught thats the greatest gift. Plus all too easy to overtake this lazy dog.