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JF Ossan
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01-02-2011, 10:11 PM

Originally Posted by princessmarisa View Post
So I take it you disagree with adoption too?
Of course I do not disagree with adoption? Why would you say that?

Originally Posted by princessmarisa View Post
Blood is best is such a strange notion in civilised intelligent species, as we act far more with thought than say instinct which is all that would cause you to protect your own DNA.
So why to people have instincts to have children in the first place? We may be civilized and intelligent, but we are still human beings.

Originally Posted by princessmarisa View Post
There are schools of thought that children who are sent to daycare and have different babysitters actually develop far better social skills and become happier, or even more successful as a result of that.
And there are schools of thought that say the exact opposite. What can I say?

Originally Posted by princessmarisa View Post
Just look at the poor social development of most home-schoolers for obvious indication of this.
I am mostly talking about the formative years from 0 to about 5, the pre-school age.

Originally Posted by princessmarisa View Post
A good upbringing has little to nothing to do with how much time the actual parents spend with the children, and everything to do with how they are being looked after.
I would disagree that the amount of time has NOTHING to do with how a child grows up, but how they are looked after has a lot to do with it. Who is going to look after a child better, a loving mother with everything invested in her child's upbringing, or a day care worker getting paid minimum wage who has NOTHING invested into the child's upbringing or future?

Originally Posted by princessmarisa View Post
If parents are leaving young children alone, or letting children play on the streets way into the night, this is wrong yes. If they carefully select babysitters, day care then it is just the same, and in some cases better.

You have to pass exams and government inspection to work with children, you don't need a license to get pregnant and be a parent.
Yes the system fails sometimes, but we only know this because it is so heavily advertised, thousands of children unhappy with their own blood parents treating them bad, but not bad enough for social service to get involved will go undetected all the time.
Just because there are bad parents doesn't mean parenting is bad. It seems like the attitude is "leave it to the professionals" and maybe that is the reason, at least in the UK it seems, you are having the social problems you are having.

Why are there so many bad parents in the UK? Is it because these parents were raised by babysitters or social workers, and not their actual parents? Why good modeling did they get from their parents that made them turn out so crummy? Or did they get very little modeling at all?

Last edited by MMM : 01-02-2011 at 10:14 PM.
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