Originally Posted by MMM
Again, please cut the drama. No one called anyone a "monster".
amen to the cut the drama, that is called sarcasm using hyperbole, I never said anyone did call me that~
YOU may think working long hours is showing love to your baby, but does your baby think so? It's about his happiness, right?
A child is happy eating 10bowls of ice cream, I think I know what is better for them. The Happiness thing is back to sentimental bullshit, what is good for anyone and what makes them happy are not always one and the same.
If happiness is an end goal it takes strife and sacrifice to get there, this can be seen in all walks of life.
So yeah, maybe a child would rather have one more tickle than go to preschool and do an educational game? So what? Prooves nothing.
It's funny that you would come to the conclusion that a parent that puts her career on hold to raise her baby is being selfish. It's amazing how far feminism has taken us.
I am going to pretend you didn't stoop as low as to try use anti-feminism-rant in here, when not once have I said anything relating to it.
Infact, don't you think most mothers would rather sit at home in pjs have a lay in and watch tv than work all the hours they can under a stressful boss?
It isn't funny how I think it can be a selfish choice to stay at home it is pretty par for the course.
A baby doesn't need affection, love and connection with the parent for the couple hours a parent has after work. The baby needs it all day.
again you said yourself they are asleep for most of it.
Once they are old enough to not be asleep so much they start to benefit from other aspects of life.
When did anyone say constant affection REPLACES child raising skills. BOTH are needed.
Implied by suggesting I view it as a job and drama-ing it up about how it is no replacement for love and affection. I never suggested they needed constant 24/7 day care yet you reacted saying they need love, love, love. So I will counter with what I see to be the benefits of my proposed system.
If you see parenting as just another job, and not as the life change and life choice than it is, then it's a real sad statement for the youth of the world. I hope yours is a minority opinion. I wonder why people cry with tears of joy when their first baby is born. It's just like starting a new job, right? No biggee.
"sad statement for the youth of the world" and you call me drama-tastic?
Getting personal is a last resort and a flimsy one at that, you can judge nothing about me from my well backed up opinion on how to give a child the best possible life. Not just the most enjoyable childhood from isolated attention seeking moments.
I said if you think of it as a career, the most important career, put all the effort into being good at their career, research the best way to do things, view it scientifically and logically with studies and conclusions.
I compared it to work because when it comes to tasks at work people will (or at least should, or try to) think what is the best in the long run, with the best results and the most logical.
Where as with children it is "what will make them smile" not "what will make them socially well adjusted, intelligent, healthy, have a great chance in the future and all in all be better for them.
The aim there is long term happiness through giving them the tools to succeed you see?
No it is not the type of McJob you do just to get money and no biggie, I never said anything of the sort.
Do you have any opinions you didn't pull out of the Daily Mail newspaper or whatever the equivalent is wherever you reside?
So sick of this think what it is fashionable to think crap the world seems infected with.