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(#131 (permalink))
GoNative (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
Posts: 1,063
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Inverloch, Australia
01-03-2011, 07:37 AM

My little group of friends are probably not representative of all of Australia. I did always try and associate with very intelligent people, generally those far more intelligent than myself!

Just quickly off the top of my head my female friends in Australia include a dentist, molecular biologist, barrister at law, senior geologist, senior climatologist and marine biologist. All very intelligent and successful women. Most actually earn more than their partners! Most also had very career oriented mothers.

My barrister friends mother was actually the first female prosecutor in Victoria and the first female commonwealth prosecutor in Australia. She was one of the first women in Australia to become a Queens Counsel (ridiculously highly paid barristers). She is now a Supreme Court judge. Her father was the chief prosecutor in Victoria. So she had two very career orientated parents and a mother who was at the forefront of the legal profession in Australia. She's turned out pretty damned well and has followed in the family footsteps in law. She is an incredibly intelligent and articulate women who is just about to have her first child. She has no intentions of taking 6 or so years out of her career but I have little doubt she'll be a great mother just as hers was.
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