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(#34 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
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01-03-2011, 09:52 AM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post

In effect the Alliance had no choice but to destroy both death stars for the sake of themselves and the galaxy.
I am curious if you (or anyone else) think the American government and military thought any differently in the summer of '45. "We can end this war right now, but it is going to change history and how wars are fought forever..."

I understand the argument to destroy the Death Stars, and don't disagree, but we are thinking about the loss of innocent life. We cannot accurately guess how many non-military personnel were on DS-1, but I think we can estimate that there were more than zero. A military base does not survive with only military personnel. There need to be cooks, at the least, as well as other off-duty distractions. No one has ever chastised the Rebel Alliance for the mass destruction of the Empire's Death Stars with no discrimination for those that that some were simply innocent individuals at the wrong place at the wrong time. The Battle of Yavin is considered an unconditional victory for the Rebels (as is the Battle of Endor). Should the Rebels have shown more responsibility, or is the fact that the Death Star itself a military target excuse any residual damages?
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