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dogsbody70 (Offline)
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Environment/results - 01-03-2011, 10:59 AM

The discussion on japanese womens rights has spread to the way we bring our children up/ have a fulltime career

What actually is the result of environments where we were all brought up.

I am a strong believer in- that our childhood experiences last all through our lives and have repercussion or Benefits from our experiences through childhood.

I do believe that where we live is part of it.

Do we live in huge council estates or in the suburbs where possibly we may mix with different class of people.

Are we in a remote village--?

In a busy city or town where parents have to fight to get placements in a good school-- as is happening nowadays.

where we live at specific times can affect us I believe-- those we mix with, whether we have decent parents who do their best to socialise and teach us how we should behave. What encouragement we have had as a child and young person.

whether in big ESTATES where most youngsters hang around, with not enough to keep them occupied so they get up to mischief.

whether we are an only child-- who is spoiled-- or encouraged to do things sample the opportunities out there by partaking and joining in clubs-- learning to play sport, dance, play instruments---do various activities apart from school time.

Learning to mix with children from all races. some areas are really multi- cultural where more remote areas may not see many from other ethnic groups in society.

The place we grew or grow up has an influence on us in many ways-- the friends we made or lost.

HOw do you think your own child hood environment affected you an dmade you as you are-- or a general view about our Environment and its influence.?

Why do we have youths with knives here in the UK-- when it would have been unheard of not so long ago.

things are changing so fast-------- are we doing our best for our own children-------

Are parents getting sufficient help plus incentive to get out into the work place.

The benefit system will be changing- so hopefully less benefit cheats.

any thoughts on ENVIRONMENT and its effects.
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