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Suki (Offline)
armed with a mind
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01-03-2011, 08:16 PM

So yeah, the social environment in which you grow up influence your life and the person you grow up to be. I think everyone agrees on that, what's there to be discussed?

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
oops... It seems I've forgotten how to embed

Anyway.. here's a video you might enjoy dogsbody. It sort of represents how I feel about society today.

YouTube - Everythings Amazing & Nobodys Happy
xDDD That was a laugh. Actually I used to be really excited the whole time of the flight when I wasn't used to flying on airplanes. It's what he says, I couldn't stop thinking "Geez I am sitting in a chair in the sky and I am flying at super fast speed!!!" But yeah, I couldn't agree more about everything he says. I mean, the whole thing with phones nowadays? Okay, you have an effin' I-something and it takes pictues and has an all-time internet access. So what? People actually think they can't do without any of this shit. It's so sad. I hate to see society becoming so high-tech obsessed.

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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