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(#10 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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01-03-2011, 10:58 PM

fair enough ROBIN.

the thing is that when we see the results of certain environments have on us all would we want to have changed that?

It doesn't have to be personal.

I am definitely the person I am because of my childhood circumstances.

I hav led a long life since then but growing up through a WAR for a start has maybe some positive or perhaps cynical or critical view on life. Not having security also had an effect.

One thing-- when babies or children are adopted from another country-- often a country that is very poor-- then a celebrity comes along such as Madonna and takes a child from its own family--

when a child forgets its former life and background how hard will it be for that child as it gets older and if the adopter has not helped keep the childs natural history and parentage in the foreground-- or later when the mature person wishes to find his or her original family then finds the poverty or totally different way of life.

will that child be glad he or she was taken into modern society for a better life! Maybe he/she will wish to go back to original home and if help is needed in its own country-- perhaps become involved.

I recently heard a Vietnamese born girl who had been adopted into the UK.

she is happy that she went to a good English Home but now wishes to help make a difference in her own country of Vietnam.

the environments would both be so different.

I think that where you live as a child can make or mar you. Is it in the lap of the GODS.

personally I dislike celebrities taking children because I do not trust that they will really care for those adopted children.
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