Originally Posted by Snailteaser
Hahha, fair enough
Okay, another question to the ladies here... :-)
Imagine you're at a party.. there is a guy who is desperately trying to be the center of the party, loud, making jokes, getting the attention. Do you think is this attractive to ladies? Or is it pathetic?
If it's a ''desperate'' try, then it's pathetic. Being center of attention is only attractive if it comes naturally AND if it doesn't seem to feed the guy's ego.
Originally Posted by Snailteaser
Hahha, don't worry. The reason I asked because normally everybody would agree this is pathetic. Yet I see examples on the contrary in almost every party I go.
Because at parties - people are drunk or high. On JF.. people are just weird or creepy, but rarely drunk. I guess a few members would go under the suspicion of being high tho..