As in,
have had to have it.
Tooth removal procedures don't count.
I'm guessing some people here have had their appendix removed. How did that feel? How was your experience with anesthesia, the whole breathing in a little gas and falling asleep...? Is that really
all? You breathe in the gas and next thing you know you're waking up and surgery's over? I'd be all nervous and they'd probably have to tie me up and hold the mask against my face. The idea of losing consciousness and having my flesh cut open just... gives me the creeps.
Did you get to see the inside of the OR? Mmh. I've been seeing a lot of
Grey's Anatomy lately and it's probably gotten to my head. To a point where I was wishing there'd be something wrong with me so that I'd get to have surgeons play with my insides. I know. Sounds creepy xD But nah, actually I freak out everytime I get a little pain on the side of the abdomen and I'm all like "Geez, this is it. The long-feared day finally arrives. My appendix's burst and I'm gonna have to have surgery" xD I'm paranoid like that... but for real, it scares the living crap out of me, so just in case I find myself having to have surgery sometime in the future, I wanna know how it went for you all.