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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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01-05-2011, 12:40 AM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
The DS had 100,000 storm troopers, that's more than a few battalions. It held a million plus personel and was the size of a small moon. It was basically a major military base, and military bases have large civilian populations that hang around them because troops on base have lots of two things....spare time..and money.

I'll give you a real time example. When I was sent to Germany dureing Desert Storm, My battallion alone pumped 5 million into the local economy in 6 months. Germany use to have over 300,000 American troops stationed there. I'm sure everyone remembers all the demonstrations about "Yankee go home". What people fail to remember is many of those protests near the end were about "Yankee stay here" cause those small towns around the bases noticed how much money they were looseing as fewer and fewer Americans were stationed there.

That doesn't change the fact the DS was a legit target, I wont deny that. But it wasn't just stacked wall to wall with battle hardened nutjobs either. Those civilians provided essential R and R and other goods and services to the troops there and made them as much a legit target as the DS was.

That's the whole issue. Civilians in a war are resources for the nation at war and thus become 'legit" war targets becuase of what they provide for the nation dureing war time...wich is EVERYTHING. It takes Civilians to keep a national army working.
You're making it all up.

I'm thinking that they rotated people in an out for half year or even full year tours.

Like I said... both DS were pretty much top secret projects.

The DS wouldn't have just been any base. It would have been like the Area 51 of the Empire.
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