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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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01-05-2011, 01:12 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I think "we" are assuming that. Do you have canon evidence there were no civilian contractors, builders, etc. Did droids do all the cooking? We know that wasn't always the case on the planets.
The onus isn't on me to prove you wrong. It's on you to prove yourself right. This is just basic logic. (It's like the argument of God. To say he exists because I can't prove his non-existence is illogical)

Considering there is no canonical source that supports any of your theories... I automatically win BUT I'm willing to listen to reason.

Therefore the only way we can discuss the possibility of such a situation is via reason. My reasoning is based on how things work in the Star Wars universe. The role of droids and slaves and the nature of the Death Star as a Starship of high strategic importance.

You and Ryozorian base your conclusions that stem from real world assumptions. All you've done is simply attempt to transplant the nature of our reality onto the star wars one. Which would otherwise be fine had it not neglected the technological and political "realities" of the star wars universe.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I would like to know more. Why do you think the Seperatists/Rebels had the Jedi on their side?
The Republic had the Jedi on their side, not the seperatists.

The Jedi order didn't exist during the Empire. (Most were hunted down and killed but some survived)

The reason escapes me as to why they would choose a side in that conflict. (My guess is just bad writing though)

The seperatists just wanted independence. Granted they were lead by the trade federation... but I don't see the problem in granting political independence to worlds that wanted it.

I don't know much about the clone wars though.

Last edited by Ronin4hire : 01-05-2011 at 01:16 PM.
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