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(#32 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: South coast England
01-05-2011, 10:00 PM


Her hand, small, childlike, I long to enfold within my own, feel its warmth, . She is far from her own land in the Far East. Why do I long just to hold her tight and protect her from all harm? The softness of her tiny hand within mine gives me that closeness long forgotten. Her black eyes mysterious but warm; they make me gasp and long to disappear into their very depths.

She has touched my very soul


Never can she be the one for whom I yearn

Culture so vast between us

No hugs allowed

Or caring touch

Lost and Helpless I retreat within,

Back to the womb.
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