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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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01-06-2011, 05:03 AM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
Droids cannot make technical eqiupment such as Heavy Turbo lasers, plasma coils, shield generators, or tractor beams. You need civilian engineers for that. There are several civilian companies that contracted with the empirial government. You think Star Destroyers grew on trees? How bout Imperial walkers? Honestly, if you have an empire based on exspansion, with constant loss of equipment, you would have a booming economy back on Courisant.

Slaves for manual labor means they were out digging in mines, NOT BUILDING war machines of advanced technology. Slaves would be used in tasks that required little supervision and less thinking.
Dude. Has it occured to you that the parts were built elsewhere and assembled in one place by military engineers, droid and slave labour?

All the components were likely built planetside somewhere and transported to the assembly point for military technicians to take over.

Not only do you keep your project a secret in this way.. you can mask the construction of the death star by passing off the components as parts of something completely different.

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
Also, laying waste to a planet with Star Destroyers pretty much destroys any chance of life, thus it destroys the planet in the sense of it being "Class M" anymore. Turn it into a mineing facility where the slaves can dig I suppose. The DS blowing everything to asteroids was a waste of a good resources.
Yeah but Star Destroyers are hardly a weapon of terror. The DS was built intending to crush all remaining resistance to the Empire. Star Destroyers can be brought down by other capital ships and fighters.

The original DS would have been invincible had the Alliance not got a hold of the schematics and the second DS would have been invincible had it been completed.

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
Yes, Star trek was wishy washy when it came to politics, and it bit them on the ass constantly. Specially with the Jem Hadar and the shapeshifter war. I prefer Klingons. Realistically though, humans would find less advanced races and just shove them over like any other group of "Indians". Put them on some "reservation moon", while we strip mined thier planet bare. Humans would have more in common with the Borg than anything.
What do you mean "realistically".

The Star Trek future is essentially a utopian one (some would almost say socialist) so the parameters of reality are set by the people writing it.

While Star Wars is more akin to fantasy, Star Trek is actually much cleverer and has a lot more social commentary.

In the episodes where "they got bit in the ass" by their principles.. the moral of the story was usually that those principles were just.

But it's no surprise that the theme was lost on you lol
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