01-06-2011, 11:04 AM
maybe not relevant to this particular thread but I bought a copy of Hearts and Minds-- it ws focused on the war in VIETNAM-- and quite honestly it was shocking.
These leaders that lie to their countrymen-- a very common thing I know-
but to see those innocent vietnamese people treated in the way they were by the Americans-- Yes we all are capable of terrible crimes.
But how many American troops could happily Napalm the place, stand and set light to the peasants straw homes and much worse. shoot them point blank as if they were just a DOG.
it does not take much to turn us into worse than any animal.
GOD!! Can we ever be forgiven for what we do or did!! All supposedly to fight communism. It is all sick making.
So what the blazes we are doing in IRAQ and Afghanistan I do not know.
War never seems to stop.
I blame propaganda for many of these crimes committed daily.
Last edited by dogsbody70 : 01-06-2011 at 11:07 AM.