Originally Posted by chryuop
If it's the same red bean jam-like stuff that it's in どらやき, I would call it sweet too A Japanese friend sent some to me for Xmas...when I saw them I thought "these are just pancakes", but when I bit into them I thought "these are scramptious"
I mean, if I'm given a choice between the only five types of sensory flavor (sweet, sour, bitter, savory, and salty), it's "sweet." But when I think "sweet" I think fruits, pastries, and candy. "Sweet" may be the closest English has to describing it, but I still feel weird using it.
Also, for what it's worth, you're Italian, and so you may have a different conception of "sweet" than someone born into the English language. I'm a proponent of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, so I'm predisposed to assuming people from different languages have different classification schemes in their brains due to their native language.