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Kasomi (Offline)
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01-07-2011, 12:59 AM

Originally Posted by RobinMask View Post
Around next April, that's realistically the earliest possible date, but nothing is ever set in stone. It will all depend on how quickly I can find a job once I have my degree in hand, and then that's still assuming that the COE and visa come very quickly and on time. Thank you though

And that's very impressive that you know four languages and learning one more! Especially as you seem to know English so well, and that you're at such a stage in Japanese too Good luck with your Chinese by the way, and I'm sure you'll pick up the English vocabulary quite quickly, reading/writing in the forums as you're doing is bound to help. How long did it take you to learn English by the way? I'm guessing it was easier to learn, being that it's so similiar in script and vocabulary to your native language, although which was the hardest for you to learn?
That's nice! Even though nothing is set in stone, you still get to go! It's been 5 years now that I keep saying that one day I will be able to go there, but university isn't cheap so I have to wait before I get a stable job, time and everything.

As for English, I can't complain. I mean, I understand every single word of it; I just lack practice. It's when I try talking that it's embarassing... the other day, I was asked if I was German because I had an accent... being a french Canadian, it was pretty funny to be asked that. I'm still learning though, and will never stop writing, reading and speaking English. As Canada is legally a bilingual country, in primary and secondary school (high school) students learn English as a second language. I never had difficulties in learning a language. Barely had beyond 90% in English thorough my school time and I am now almost a translator from English into French.

@evanny: Why do you say that "knowing simple sentences and expressions for a primitive conversation isn't actually 'knowing' a language"? To whom did you say that?


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