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Miciah (Offline)
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Graduated senior needs advice about college in japan - 01-07-2011, 09:35 AM

As the title of my thread said I am a graduated senior thinking about going to Japan to college. For my major I'm at a loss between being a normal veterinarian and a marine mammal veterinarian, but I know for certain that I want to work and live in Japan once I'm done with college it's been a dream of mine ever since I was little and visited Japan when I was a kid. I currently live in the U.S.A in a very very small town and have no knowledge of the Japanese language.

I'm at a loss at which path to take though- as to go to Japan right away and learn the language of the country I'll be living in soon or if I should go to college in America take a Japanese course here and study abroad as well then eventually go to vet school there. Personally I want to go to Japan though and I have browsed through the forums but I didn't quite get everything I red though. Like to get a student visa do I apply to a language college finish it THEN go to a real college..? Or do I apply at the real college and they refer me to the language college I didn't quite get it. Also if anyone could give me any advice on the steps I need to take or anything I'll gladly take it.

Thank you all for your time in advance.
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