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Miciah (Offline)
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Thanks for the reply! - 01-07-2011, 10:22 AM

Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery View Post
Even if you were to come to Japan straight away for college, I'm probably sure any of the universities you would be able to get into (non-Japanese) wouldn't even have your degree major.
Your right Zoology and Marine Biology are really hard to find as bachelor degrees..most schools only offer them as associates degrees so I wouldn't expect it to be any different in Japan but it shouldn't be non existent either. But thanks for being truthful...By the way is our degree system the same as theirs? 4 years for a bachelors and stuff or is it different?

Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery View Post
You don't even need to go to a language school unless you'd plan on becoming fluent enough first to join a Japanese university. There are several universities in Japan that accept non Japanese students (with no Japanese language ability). These schools should issue you a visa, and all that is is a piece of paper in your passport saying that you're allowed to be in the country as a student. If the school you apply to sponsors visas, they will have the according paperwork for you to fill out as you're applying to the school.
Ah I see thank you for the information. So basically the schools the accept non Japanese students issue you the visas. Alright I get it now thanks.

Um if anyone else can offer advice about me becoming a vet or a marine mammal vet in Japan, I'm all ears >< or any advice in particular! Thanks in advance.
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