Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
In your first post in this thread, you neglected to mention the possibility of implying regret over something occurring. You just mentioned finality. I think this is what masaegu was getting on your case about.
I am sorry...I didn't want to sound as someone who was criticizing Masaegu. Far from my intentions to correct a native speaker. I do too help people online who are studying my language and I know how annoying is when a student doubts my words.
The problem is that the books Masaegu mocked in his message are textbooks that every student uses (I don't use anything special, Genki, basic grammar dictionary and others). So he can make fun of me (and no, kakkoi meaning I got it from 2 crappy programs like ALC and Ricaichan, not from textooooks) for my knowledge, but my knowledge is something which is spread amongst many students coz those textbooks are used by many many thousands.